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7 Day Compact Wellness Program

Too Busy?

For most of us we just can not take 21 days out of our lives to afford us the retreat we (me, mySelf and I) deserve. For this reason I have designed the 7 Day Compact Wellness Program. You make time for 7 days!!! (You are worth it !! ) And we pack in a concentrated version to get you started.

You can do this!

  • During your 7 Day Compact Wellness Program we pack in a whole lot of Love and Goodness.
  • 7 Acupressure & Magnet Reflexology Sessions
  • 3 Ozone Sauna Tent Sessions
  • 2 Metaphysical Anatomy Sessions
  • Daily meals, all the nutrition you need, made with lots of LOVE!
  • A hard copy of the 21 Day Well, Naturally Program in your hands.

Don’t know how?

We all know what we should eat, we all really want to adjust our eating habits.  But HOW ???? or Perhaps your physician has indicated a healthy lifestyle change but you just do not know how to get there from here. Life and work challenges continuously pile up while lack of time, lack of know how prevents you to Change your lifestyle. LET ME SHOW YOU HOW with this 7 Day Compact Wellness Program and get you on your way.

Transformation Program. Alkalize your body.

Boggomsbaai, where we are located, is a small tranquil seaside village located close to Mossel Bay on the Garden Route. (65kms from George Airport) A major drawcard to this village is the long sandy beach, quite remote with fantastic birdlife and providing endless hours of relaxation.

Please take note that we can also setup a retreat program where you are, with a couple of adjustments. Talk to me about coming to your area.

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