None / Geen
Aggressive / Aggressie
Early Aging (early grey hair, etc) / Voortydige Veroudering (grys hare ens)
Low Blood count / Bloedarmoede
Anorexia Nervosa
Underweight / Erg onder gewig
Swollen ancles, Hands and feet / Geswelde enkels, hande en voete
Anxiety / Angs
Arthritis / Artritis
Wrestlessness / Apatie lusteloosheid
Lack of appetite /Gebrek aan aptyt
Lower Back Pain / Lae rug pyn
Bad breath / Slegte asem
Behavioural Changes / Gedragsverandering
Shortness of Breath / Kortasem
Tender breasts / Teer borste
Bruise easy / kneus maklik
Sore Skeleton / Pynlike Beendere
Burning hands and feet / Brandende hande en voete
Cholesterol problems
Cold hands and Feet in winter / Koue Hande en voete in winter
Chronic Colds & Flu in last 3 months / Knaende verkoues in laaste 3 maande
Brain Fog or Confusion / Verwardheid of Verstrooidheid
Conjunctivitis sore and itchy eyes /Konjuktiwitus seer en jeukende oe
Constipation / Hardlywigheid
Chronic Coughing / Knaende Hoes
Excessive craving to eat, salty, sweet and coffee etc. /Uitensporige lus vir eet, soet, sout en koffie
Dementia / Demensie
Depression / Depressie
Diabetes (1 or 2)
Bad recollection of dreams / Swak herroep van drome
Chronic diarrhea / Kroniese Diaree
Red Eyes, blurred vision/ Rooi Oe, dowwe sig
Thick or no earwax / Dik of geen oorwas
Forgetfull / Vergeetagtig
Fingers bend with difficulty / Vingers kan nie buig nie
Gall stones or Gall bladder problems ( at any stage) / Gal stene / Galblaas probleme (Ooit gehad)
Gingivitis / Tandvleis probleme
Bleeding gums (easy bleeding) / Bloeiende tandvleis (maklik bloei)
Red gums/ Inflamed gums / Tandvleis rooi of ontsteek
Inflammation of tongue (red and swollen) / Tong infeksie rooi en geswel – glossitis
Any form of Dwarfism / Groei gestuit.
Gout / Jig (groot toon of hak)
Frizzy or spiky hair / Gekroesde hare
Hair loss, dry and grey / Grys droog en breek maklik
General Heart Conditions / Algemene Hart toestand
Heart Palpitations / Vinnige Hartkloppings
Hyperactive (Physical) / Hiperaktief (Fisies)
Highly excitable (verbal) / Hiperopgewonde (verbaal)
High Blood pressure / Hoe Bloeddruk
Extreme craving for ice / Buitensporige lus vir ys
Loss of Libido / Impotensie (verlies van libido)
Digestive Problems / Spysverterings probleme
Chronic infections (sinus, vaginal, athlete’s foot, bladder) /Knaende Infeksie (sinus, vaginaal, blaas)
Irritability / Geirriteerd
Painful or stiff joints / Pynlike end stywe gewrigte
Kidney Stones / Nierstene (al ooit gehad)
Legs with red or blue blotches / Bene het rooi of blou vlekke
No energy or interest / Geen energie of belangstelling
Burning tongue and or lips / Lippe of tong brand
Loss of memory / Geheue verlies
Menstrual Problems (not PMS) / Menstruasie probleme (nie PMS)
Manic Depression / Manies Depressief
Hyperactive (Mental) / Verstandelik ooraktief
Loss of concentration / Konsentrasie verlies
Moody – Emotional / Buierig – Emosioneel
Blisters (Mouth) / Koorsblare (mond)
Cracked and red mouth corners / Mond bars – Rooi in mondhoeke
Muscle spasms without exercise / Spierspasma sonder oefening
Muscleweakness / Swak Spiere
Ridged nails, spoon shaped / Naels geriffeld en lepelvormig
Brittle nails (white dots) / Naels breek maklik – wit kolle
Soreness of Neck and throat / Nek en keel teer
Stressed / Gespanne
Inflammation of central nervous system / Inflamasie van sentrale senuweestelsel
Neurological Problems / Neurologiese Probleme
Night Blindness / Nag blindheid
Leg and muscle cramps / Been Spiere Krampe
Spontaneous Nose Bleeding / Neus bloei maklik
Red Nose / Rooi neus (alkoholneus)
Numbness and Pins and Needles (Hands and feet) / Gevoelloosheid en prikkels onder voete en in hande
Overweight / Oorgewig
Osteomalacia / Versagting van beendere
Osteoporosis Loss of bone mass / Verlies van beenmassa
Painfull hands and feet / Hande en Voete Pynlik
Skin colorations / Velverkleuring
PMS Premenstrual stress / Premenstruasie stress
Post nasal drip / Postnasale drup
Psycosis / Psigose (Sielsiek)
Rheumatism / Rumatiek
Schizophrenia / Skisofrenie (Gesplete persoonlikheid)
Sensation of Electrical shock / Sensasie van elektrieseie skok
Obstructed sense of Smell / Belemmerde Reuksintuig
Skin Problems – Stroke – ecsema – acne / Vel Probleme -ekseem – aknee
Scaly skin on back of upper arm / Vel agter langs arm skurf
Skin rash -oily / Veluitslag -olierig
Insomnie / Slaaploosheid
Swollen abdomen with pain / Geswelde buik met pyn
Mouth Infections / Mondinfeksies
Stools not brown / Stoelgang nie bruin
Stretchmarks on skin / Rekmerke op vel
Taste abnormal – metalic / Smaak abnormaal, metaalagtig
Taste and smell are severely impaired / Smaak en reuk ernstig belemmer
More than 5 fillings in teeth / Meer as 5 stopsels in tande
Unquenchable thirst / Buitensporige dors
Tiredness – sluggish / Moegheid afgematheid
Sensitive Tongue / Sensitiewe tong
Red Tongue (cracks) / Rooi tong splete of krakies
Shaking / Bewerigheid
Cloudy urine / Troebel Urine
Pink or red urine / Pienk of rooi Urine
Poor wound healing / Swak wond genesing
Yellow growths on skin, hands and arms / Geel groeisels, vel hande en arms